Slow Down and Learn to See the Wisdom That Is All Around You:
The Magical Mama Circle is a Place For Women Who Feel Called to Make Time and Space to Listen to Themselves and Feel What is In the Body
Feel What is In your body
Discover your own deep wisdom

I wasn’t put here only to Mother….
I love my kids and I was put here to be their Mother. HOWEVER….I learned quickly that if I abandoned myself at any time, or if I did not have my own Soul passions and mission to also accomplish on this Earth…that I would not be truly fulfilled. What in you needs tending? What in you has not been expressed yet? This Circle is one opportunity to help uncover this in yourself. Because the women in this Circle will “get” you, and we’re all in this together, figuring ourselves out.
Many women say they don’t even know where to start; they feel like somewhere deep in them is this truth, this wisdom that is there be accessed. But how to access it, without a map? And how do you find it when we don’t generally have women in our lives that have found it? I can show you by example and story what I have found for myself. But without tending to your own Soul, you may have that feeling like you’re really here to *be something* (even a better mother!) without having any idea how.
The best part of being authentic is that there is no image to maintain. You will delight some & disturb others, and none of it will concern the truth of your being.
“Magic” is something the fairytales teach us when we are young…
Magic seems fun, and wonderful. But unless you’re a princess, magic seems pretty far away from the everyday life we live. “MAGIC” is the art of creating in life, intentionally, without pushing or pulling. MAGIC is learning to be in your own body. Even when it’s uncomfortable and we have all this hard stuff and memory and trauma held there. I can show you the way that I’ve manifested amazing things, and then also had the guidance, grace and humility to deal with really hard things. Life is Magic, but first we realize our power and that we are also here in this Earth school to be taught what we need to learn to evolve.

You Will Feel At Home Inside Magical Mama Circle Circle If:
You’re constantly learning and interested in working on yourself; yes, YOU. Even if that brings up feelings like guilt! | You have this feeling like you came to earth for a reason, even if you don’t know what it is. |
You are interested in investigating what is inside of you; from this moment to what your ancestors passed on to you. | You feel connected to the mysteries of being a woman; cycles, the Moon, fertility and conscious conception. |
You want to learn more about the sacred initiations (birth, fertility, sexuality, motherhood and death) that make up a woman’s life. | You have had experiences of crazy synchronicity and coincidences in your life and want to learn how to follow those. |
You feel that your children (or one day children) have incarnated from other dimensions and are here to teach YOU. | You have big or little things happening (symptoms, sickness, diagnoses) in your body that you want to understand better from the emotional lens. |
You love or are interested in raising your kids with the wisdom of the Earth, and taking care of them and their health in the most natural way possible. | You want to learn more about how to manifest your most beautiful life. |
You crave sisterhood where you can be on your own inner journey and have a safe space to turn to for check ins and shares. | You want to learn to trust yourself and learn to listen to your intuition . |

My name is Maryn Green…
I am the great granddaughter of Josephine, a Catholic Italian witch; and also the granddaughter of German Catholic witches as well on my mom’s side (neither grandmother ever admitted to this label, however). I do consider myself a Lighworker ( while also sort of hating these funny popular terms) because I’ve always had this feeling I didn’t really belong here with all these regular humans.
As I’ve grown, and birthed and mothered 10 children (with some angel babies in there as well), as well as attended hundreds of women in birth, I’ve discovered that I am one of people on this planet now who is supposed to engage in transformation. I came here to remember; and have had the honor of learning ancient ways from my elders. I am here to remember and help YOU remember. You are not crazy. You might be weird:) but you’re special, and you are here to FIND AND SHINE YOUR BRIGHT LIGHT.
I healed myself from a 40+ year asthma diagnosis about 4 years ago. This was one of my most intense healing journeys where I really experienced that “Dark Night of the Soul” thing people talk about. I learned about myself, my body, the system we live in, and the beliefs I held. I was someone that literally could not even be around a cat, lest it prompt me into a full-on asthma attack that used to result in hospitalization.
My large family and I now live with 2 cats in my house, Rory and Casper. I experienced a true healing that involved not just my body, but my mind and soul.
But I’m not here to only share about what I’ve been through, but bring my Soul energy as teacher/mama/midwife to inspire you, because YOU are here for a reason. And it may be in part to have brought amazing souls in, but I know there’s more.
I’m honored to be able to share with you the benefit from my 20 years of mothering, midwifery and spiritual student; guiding women both individually as a midwife and as a teacher leading groups through rites of passage, initiation and deeper self work. And of course being my own shaman and priestess; initiating my personal journeys through the spirals of life, death and transformation.
Slow Down….Allow Space…..Feel the Support of the Women Who Have Come Before you….And Who Sit With You Now in Circle
“Mother” is the archetype that most women struggle with the most in their lives. Whether or not you have or birth children; everyone was born from a mother. This intimate relationship (or lack of one) creates who we think we are. It can create beautiful things, like attachment, but often trauma and wounding.
Some of the questions that interest me most as a woman is what helped me create this Circle.
What do you need to be mothered? How would you fully mother yourself? What does that FEEL like?
How do you embody “Mother” in yourself and what needs to stay and what needs to go?
This ancient role and archetype offers us so much material for investigation into ourselves. Healing our Mother Wound prepares us for motherhood, or to mother anyone or anything.
Through this Circle, we do the deep work of realizing who we are outside of our own Mothers.
Yet, we honor and carry on the characteristics and stories of our ancestry, of the women that come before us when they are beliefs/ways of being that we CHOOSE to embody.

I’m Excited to Invite You to Join Me in the Magical Mama Circle!
The Magical Mama Circle is a powerful way to connect with yourself, with your Soul and a worldwide “village” of women on the journey to integrate the wisdom available to us. The focus is growth and transformation for you as a mother and woman! When we commit to ourselves, and have women to support us in that, amazing things WILL HAPPEN for you. As a member of the circle, here’s what you can expect:
2 Circles Each Month
one will focus on inner work and the other will be more external, with sharing, and more opportunity for discussion. (EVERYTHING Will be recorded)Specific Wheel of the Year Virtual Rituals and Ceremonies
(Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, ETC.)Complimentary Private Somatic Session With Each Member
Access to the Magical Mama Telegram Group
while most of our communication will happen in circle, this group will allow for quick communication between members of the community.A Year of Weekly Prompts for a Self-Guided Practice or Activity Plus Occasional Inspirational Texts
Connection With Like Minded Women
Through forum check-ins, questions and posts as often as you’d love!All Magical Mama Circle Members Will Also Receive Access to My Witchery 101 Class!
Witchery 101 is a three class offering focused on the basics of activating the magic within each of us. Inside this class you’ll discover how to ground in and center your energy before doing anything else, how to connect with Nature more, all about the elementals and the directions so you can cast a circle, how to choose the divination tools that work best for you, how to protect your energy and clear your physical space and a lot of esoteric “extras” like animal totems, gemstones, numerology, plant communication and more.
During Our Monthly “Internal” Circle, We’ll Set Intentions Like:
What Do You Desire
Listening to the Body
The Earth is Our Mother
Playing with the Elements
Creating Abundance
Discovering our Trauma Responses
Manifesting 101
Taking Responsibility for Our Own Healing
Feeling into Rest and Support
Investigating that Creative Spark
Connecting with our Sexual Energy
Intuition and Fear
Being Guided by Spirit
Plus a Full Library of Archived Recordings:
1st 2nd chakras mediation
Essential oils
Mother wound
Witch wound
Protection magic
The work (Byron Katie)
Cycle wisdom and magic
Card deck Sharing
Yearly Rituals
I Show You the Mirror, Where Your Own Power is Reflected
I am mostly a very strong willed human. I know what I want and need for myself as well as for my family. Deciding to homeschool again shook me up and had me facing fears….aka repeating the past. My head was filled with static as I tried to find my way to MY truth. Thank you for being one of the bearers of clear, supporting, honest words that cut through the static. A guiding light on my path. Reminding me of my power and that I DO know. It’s already inside of me. There’s so many things I want to say! But mostly Yes, thank you, more please 🙏 In gratitude…
Maryn offers guidance in a unique and magical way. Graciously holding space for my thoughts, feelings, questions and sometimes just my rantings. She is a fantastic guide/mentor and helps me dig deep, uncover my strength, embrace myself, and find the questions and answers I am searching for. Supporting me as I navigate this sacred time, learn, and grow. I love the feelings of peace and wholeness I have after a virtual prenatal with Maryn. I feel she is truly a wise woman and a blessing in my life (and the lives of many). I am grateful for, and always look forward to, the times we connect.
I have been following Maryn’s work and Indie Birth for many years. The content is always amazing and has helped me so much on my mothering and doula journey. I am particularly drawn to the spiritual aspects of Maryn’s work and when she announced a Witchery class, I enrolled immediately! I have witchy heritage and have practiced this path of spirituality for many years, but I was very interested to learn from Maryn and her perspective on this subject. I can honestly say that this class was both magical and transformational! During the three weeks of live classes and ongoing assignments on the online platform, my life fell into a beautiful flow state. Using the practices learned in class and connecting with Maryn and other women in the circle, I felt a powerful shift in my spiritual life: my intuition became stronger, I felt guided and connected to nature, and a strong connection to my own personal power and inner peace was awakened inside me. I would highly recommend this class to beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Maryn holds such beautiful space for the circle throughout the three weeks, and you will feel nurtured and grounded on this journey to connect with spirit and yourself. Thank you Maryn for sharing your wisdom and creating a magical experience.
Working with Maryn has been incredibly empowering. Maryn has so much powerful wisdom to share; and also has been so encouraging of me to listen to my own wisdom. Through our work together, I have experienced that I can be responsible for my own energetics. Maryn has a depth of presence that is non-judgmental and kind; she always shows up with loving empathy. Experiencing the quality of how truly Maryn could hold space for me was healing in and of itself. Integrating the work we’ve done together into daily practices has felt really natural. The simple yet powerful practices she has offered have given me much more control over my mood and energy throughout the day.
Maryn holds a space of pure love and has an amazing gift of sharing her immense knowledge in a way that leaves you vibing on the highest level. Whether this is totally new to you or you’re spiritually seasoned this course (Witchery 101) has what you need to bring more awareness to the powers you hold and create conscious connection within your life. You deserve this gift you magickal being😙
I just wanted to add my own testimonial to have an appointment with Maryn! I only had one and we really just spoke about food and stuff BUT she listened to me she heard me and gave me confidence in myself and my own inner guidance through our interaction. If you have been on the fence I highly recommend just doing it! I know I am so glad that I did! It is hard to find someone who will listen to you and be there right with you like Maryn was with me! Soooo worth it!
I had a virtual prenatal session with Maryn to talk about some spiritual and emotional guidance after my third miscarriage. Maryn was extremely knowledgeable, professional and friendly and helped me to identify some areas to work on whilst reassuring me of my own knowledge and power and being a spiritual cheerleader! We covered so much ground in just one session and I left feeling lighter, more confident and knowing deep within myself that I’d made the right decision seeking her guidance. I can highly recommend Maryn for help with spiritual guidance, even if you are not pregnant.
Just wanted to say thank you Maryn for so freely sharing so much of the knowledge and truths that you know. I’ve been in the “natural healthcare” lifestyle for a few years now but through taking the BWP and listening to more of your podcasts, I’m feeling an even bigger shift in my parenting and lifestyle toward having confidence in my intuition/my kids’ intuitions (as well as the holy spirits voice in our life) and going deeper into understanding more facets of this paradigm and practicing them. Thank you for not just learning and growing for yourself and your family, but also for sharing that with all of us!!! You’re changing lives!!
How to Enroll in the Magical Mama Circle
Enrollment in the Magical Mama Circle is $999 per year. The focus of the Circle is on giving yourself space for introspection and transformation and on providing ongoing support towards becoming more of your real self at home and in the world. Both current mothers and women who want to become mothers are welcome. This is not a good fit for women who aren't ready to take a journey into themselves or aren't able to invest the required time and resources INTO THEMSELVES for something of this depth and meaning. However, the time one chooses to invest will differ. Some women will have a few hours a week to devote to self-inquiry, and some will have not very much time but will choose to be present fully during the two Circles. (recordings will also be available). The Magical Mama Circle is a place where real magic happens! It exists for women who are serious about fully expressing themselves in the world and willing to step out of the confinement of the mainstream definition of mother into something far more real, powerful and magical.
Magical Mama Circle
2 Monthly Mama Circles
1 Free Private Somatic Session with Maryn
Specific Wheel of the Year Virtual Rituals and Ceremonies
Access to the Magical Mama Telegram Group
A Year of Weekly Prompts for a Self-Guided Practice or Activity
Connection With Like Minded Women
Have a Question About the Magical Mama Circle?
Q: Who is this for?
The Magical Mama membership is for women; whether you have a new baby, older kids or want to join us as a grandmother or elder. This is also open to women that will one day have children.
Most of the topics or intentions are focused on our selves and it simply doesn't matter if you have kids or not.
This is for women that recognize that the slow and steady route is how we actually change for the better. A year is a long time, in some ways, and especially for people that want a quick fix or formula or thing they can go do. I believe in slow connections and relationship and not rushing yourself to some artificial goal. Because that is not the Feminine Way. This is for women that can handle it being messy, and being patient enough to put in their own dedication and work for 12 months before assessing "progress". I promise you will be a different woman, but I have no idea what that looks like for you.
Q: What do I receive with this membership?
You will receive: 2 calls a month that are live and then recorded. Maryn will lead the first call with exercises, prompts etc for investigating what is going on for you inside yourself, and the second call (2 weeks later) will be focused on the same topic for that month but it will be a circle for sharing and questions and bringing the internal to the external light. You will receive a year’s worth of Magical Mama journal prompts. You will receive access to occasional Wisdom calls presented by other women healers, teachers and elders. You will be the first to know about any included add ons like book clubs or other virtual social events as our membership grows. You will have access to live virtual circles that center around the Wheel of the Year as holidays and celebrations arise. You will have full access to our online Circle portal and an entire past YEAR of recordings (2023-24)and social interactions, posts and questions will be posted there. You will receive free access to my course, a 3 week at-your-own-pace immersion in beginning magic called “Witchery 101”. This can be done anytime at any pace.
Q: How long is the membership for?
The membership is for a year, and for as long as leading this Circle feels good to me. Make this commitment to yourself. Really all you have to do is show up! (or watch the recordings).
Q: What if I can’t attend the virtual meetings live?
They will always be recorded and only accessible to members.
Q: How will I be able to connect with other mamas in the group?
You will have opportunity to connect on our Circle app, Telegram app and of course can make in person connections too!
Q: Do I have to have kids already to participate?
No. This is for women who have had children already, or will have children someday. Supporting our young women is vital and the world will change if women have this wisdom and support at a younger age. We also value our grandmothers and elders and know that the key to a long life is in sisterhood!
Q: What days and times do the live calls happen?
The 2 calls that Maryn offers are always on the 2nd and 4th SUNDAY of each month at 11 am Hawaii time (either 4 pm or 5 pm Eastern) zone. Please do your own time zone calculations! The calls last at least 1 hour, sometimes will be 90 minutes. Additional calls will be scheduled at other times but will always be listed in Events tab on our Circle app so that you can plan ahead.